Thru Barb's Lens Blog
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Prop Insanity

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Watch out for that...

...turtle!!! It is egg laying season for the turtles here in the Northwoods. They are everywhere right now...looking for a sandy place to dig the holes and lay their eggs. We see them on the roads everywhere. Last night I saw 4 painted turtles on my way to Birchwood and 4 different painted turtles on my way home plus a pretty good sized snapper. This is all from the road. For some reason, many of them lay their eggs right on the side of the road. Many times, especially on the weekends when there is more traffic on the back roads, we will actually move them across the road in the direction which they were going in an attempt to keep them from getting run over. Tonight as I turned onto our road, sitting on the side of the road across from the "frog pond" was a snapper laying her eggs...where else...but right on the side of the road. I couldn't help but stop and take some photos of her. When I look at stuff like reminds me...I could NEVER live in the city again!!! If you are out on the roads in the Northwoods...please watch out for the turtles!!!

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