I sure am glad he was born a man...because as a woman, he's quite a drag...
Monday, April 28, 2008
What a DRAG...
I sure am glad he was born a man...because as a woman, he's quite a drag...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Crane Count Day
In any case, we left the house and were greeted at the first pond out the driveway to the left by 4 sandhills standing on the ice. It was still too dark and wasn't very conducive to photos...which was fine. As we drove around the north end of Long Lake, Brad spotted our first loon of the year!!! Again, no shot! We continued on and drove to our assigned site over off of Hwy 70...last year it was a beautiful day...today it was gray and raining lightly. Last year the pond and the small lake were all thawed...this year both were still frozen. We made the best of standing out in the rain, listening for crane calls...here are a few shots from the morning.
Later we also saw this cool hawk! I have yet to figure out what kind of hawk it is!!!
One of my favorite ways to "blow" a day...
After running through Farm and Fleet to get some tick spray, we moved on to more familiar territory. We headed to Haugen and Bear Lake. We saw a few deer in one of the reliable places. We then drove around the north end of the lake...a place I've only been to a couple times. There was a man with his two kids playing around this little area (Brad would know the actual name of this particular area!) where the ice has begun to melt...it lead into one of the creeks. The creek was completely free of ice but the majority of the lake was not. With the distraction of the dad and kids down the other way, a loon spent time closer to our end doing a bit of fishing. Brad was on the right side of the car so we stayed in the car since it was pretty much a blind, and he took the loon photos this time. It was cool to see him with the camera in his hands!!! He got some good shots...here is my favorite one.
Meanwhile, on my side of the car, I had a great look at the creek. Brad pointed out a man made nesting platform in the distance...instead of seeing an osprey up there as expected, an eagle was there (look closely at the top of the pine tree in the photo below...the eagle is sitting there). Here's a shot from my side of the car...we'll keep an eye on that platform to see if we see any babies!!!
We headed toward home...taking a road I've never taken before. And to my pleasure, more surprises were awaiting us...the best of them, a pair of osprey...one standing guard the other on the nesting platform (There are many up here! They are normally for osprey as they are known to be poor nest builders!) a short distance away over the lake. He was right out by the road on a dead tree. I had only seen osprey from a distance flying over Long Lake. They are regal birds...and oh so very cool. Again it was on Brad's side of the car/blind...darn it. He took quite a few photos while the bird just sat there. Eventually I opened up the sun roof and comandeered the camera...the beautiful bird of prey stayed there and let me shoot more photos of him while I was hanging out the sun roof. Just to add a little entertainment, the sentry decided to head over to the nesting platform...and much to our amazement, decided to mate with the female right in front of us. Not being able to help myself, I continued snapping shots of them...feeling a bit like a voyeur!!! Who gets to actually see something like that...let alone get photos of it???!!! I wasn't about to be a prude at that point! Here, see for yourself...could you have stopped watching???
As we were checking out the peeps closest to the house, I saw another owl. Again, too dark to photograph, but hokey smokes...he was cool! He was calling out right above us! Incredible!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My little kitty girl
Right in my front "yard"
My friends are back
Monday was an exciting day for this...although I didn't get very many great shots, I actually wasn't disappointed...I reveled in the feeling of just being in the same space with all of the incredible animals I saw. Between a jaunt out of the house for lunch and a detour on the way home from Birchwood as the sun was going down, I had the opportunity to see all of the following: several pair of hooded mergansers, a couple pair of wood ducks, several Canadian geese (nothing new!), a pair of sandhill cranes (my favs!), a barred owl, an immature bald eagle, a mature bald eagle, 7 deer walking across the ice on the north end of Long Lake, and an otter sitting at the edge of the ice in the same area. Could life get any better?
As I said, the photos aren't great...but here is proof of some of what I saw...
Pussy willow with a pinecone? Is it a fluke? This wasn't the only one...I'm confused! But it looks cool!!!
The ice went off this part of the channel the next day...and instead of it looking pretty and interesting, it looked yucky!
Same here...I thought this was stunning...the next day was UGLY!!!
This is a male wood duck...isn't he stunning? They are flighty...I would need a huge lens to get close to this guy!!!This was my first sandhill sighting for the year. I had heard them...but had never been this close!!!
Ok...I'd like to say I planned this "pan" of the eagle...but I'd be lying! It was total luck!!! Panning is a technique where you move the camera while the shutter is open...following the action you are trying to capture. If done right, it keeps the main subject in focus but you see the movement in the background...like this...total luck...but I personally love it!!!
This is an immature eagle...
Not a great shot...he only gave me one chance to get it right and I failed...but I'll take it for my first owl shot...I took this while parked on the side of the road and I popped up out of the sunroof!!! This is a barred owl.
You'll have to trust me on this one...the dark "bump" just on the other side of the opening in the ice is the otter.
It is dark...but to the left right above the water opening in the ice is three of the 7 deer that crossed the lake.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It must be Spring somewhere...
While I was out shooting, Brad was moving VERY HEAVY snow around with "Big Blue"...
We see grouse fairly frequently...but normally I don't get a chance to get a photo...